About Us

It is our pleasure to introduce Khaucha Dabba a website dedicated to serving Maharashtrian NRIs based throughout the world with their beloved brands.

The idea of creating this website took root in our minds when our children started living abroad. It was always an adventure sending them खाऊ – be it on their birthdays, special occasion or just their whim. It was always a multi day affair which started with cooking home made treats and quickly descended into a treasure hunt of all the shops around the city and finally ended with us at the courier place. To say the least it was rarely a smooth process.

Over the years we noticed while most Indian stuff is available especially in countries such as USA, except for a few, most popular Marathi brands were always missing.

While we were able to collect and send stuff to our children it became quite apparent that not all parents were able to do the same easily for various reasons and also many NRIs who had been living abroad for a long time had trouble getting their beloved treats.

With खाऊचा डब्बा we aim to provide an all in one solution to Maharashtrian NRIs. Through the website they will be able to order their खाऊand many other essential Maharashtrian products and festival items as we start adding them. 

Our team at खाऊचा डब्बा will procure, pack and ship your orders, keeping in touch with our customers till they receive the order.

We hope all Maharashtrian NRIs around the globe love and enjoy their खाऊचा डब्बा.

“वदनि कवळ घेता नाम घ्या श्रीहरीचे ।
सहज हवन होते नाम घेता फुकाचे ।
जिवन करि जिवित्वा अन्न हे पूर्णब्रह्म ।
उदरभरण नोहे जाणिजे यज्ञकर्म ॥१॥


खाऊचा डब्बा

After looking at alternatives

Our journey began in 2018

Synth kickstarter coloring book cold-pressed fanny pack man bun beard. Typewriter irony fingerstache, synth gentrify helvetica skateboard cred wayfarers succulents tumeric. Edison bulb semiotics cornhole raclette. Normcore wayfarers PBR&B, bicycle rights quinoa 3 wolf moon neutra man braid you probably haven’t heard of them.

A perfect fit for your every day life

Designed to be versatile

Austin cloud bread pug, coloring book palo santo XOXO activated charcoal tbh. Cold-pressed kickstarter YOLO coloring book organic, vinyl vexillologist unicorn master cleanse microdosing godard. Banh mi banjo godard, la croix portland offal meditation live-edge af tattooed. 

Simplicity in design and form

We’re just getting started

Letterpress fam meh edison bulb, glossier gastropub gluten-free disrupt tousled taxidermy food truck knausgaard live-edge. Tumblr celiac flannel mumblecore gluten-free everyday carry. Fixie kitsch wayfarers dream roof party craft beer salvia knausgaard franzen. Beard XOXO listicle, vaporware trust fund shaman cred.

Our incredible team are here for you

Nicole Williams

Company Director
"Profit in business comes from repeat customers; customers that boast about your product and outstanding service"

Bjorn Gunnarson

Head of Design
"Loyal customers, they don’t just come back, they don’t simply recommend you, they insist that their friends work with you."

Charlotte Banks

Research & Development
"You’ll never have a product or price advantage again. They can be easily duplicated, but a strong customer focus can’t be copied."

Sam Gallagher

Customer Support
"Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves."
I’m so happy with the service from Shoptimizer – my order was delivered within 48 hours and the thought and care they put into their products really stands out. Plus, their support is just awesome!
Sean Walsh
London, UK
Fabulous top bought as a birthday gift for a friend who wears it almost every day. Smart packaging which looks exciting and special. Very good on delivery. Will purchase it again as a gift and for myself!
Astrid Sorensen
Oslo, Norway

In the press